Hard to believe we have been so busy that we haven't done much boxing this summer. Seems something was always coming up including the flood of 2013 in Central New York. Worse it has been ever in some small villages.
Finally was able to update my boxes out near Albany and found them safe, dry, where they belonged and full of stampers.
This week I am in Kentucky -- visiting the grand kid who a 4 LOVES boxing esp. going to cemeteries. Today we visited Frankfort and the cemetery there. Stopped at the Boone lot and took in a beautiful view of the capitol across the river. Lots of buzzards flying around and some kind of noisy raptor.
Capitol in Frankfort KY - the view from the wall behind the Boone plot.
Besides the taphophile part of me, I have this botany thing going on so I am always amazed at big trees.
We came across a HUGE tulip tree that the three of us together couldn't join hands around.
Probably could have used three more of us.
And of course, what did I forget: my letter boxing stuff in New York and my camera on my daughter's dining room table because it needs batteries. So I did what every dedicated boxer would do. Stopped at Walmart for a new book and stamp pad that will STAY in Kentucky for the next time because it isn't the first time I've done that.
I could spend all day wandering in cemeteries reading the stones and marveling at the monuments. I am turning my grandson into a taphophile as well. I can't hardly turn the car off and he is ready and out the door. He finds stones that he thinks are cool and says --- Take My Picture. He's 4 years old.

Briar Park has three trails with lots of interesting flora and fauna - like frogs and fish.

Saturday we are going back to Briar Park and start another park series with Tyler - His last one is in LaGrange and this one will be in Crestwood, his new home town. We scoped out the place on Wednesday so we know there are some good hiding places.
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