Friday, August 16, 2013

Making the best of a closed cemetery.

The Riparian LOVES boxing - can you tell.

Ever have one of those boxing days where plans just don't go the way they should.  

Calvary Cemetery - Louisville, KY
Finally got the crew out of the house at 3pm and by the time that we found Cave Hill Cemetery (a huge cemetery in Louisville where Col Saunders is buried) they were locking the gates.  - AT 4:30.  

So we pulled into the nearest McDonalds to google a map cause I wasn't going home empty handed. Besides - The Riparian was not about to go home empty handed either.

We found a cemetery not too far away and had fun and success.

But that only took 20 minutes including the time Tyler drove so we went to a really neat park - 
Clark Park - named for the famous George Clark. 

But while the park was wonderful 
- both boxes were missing. 

has lots of fun things to do.

kid fountain

 being silly

And this spectacular tree

Trying to give you an idea how huge it is - That's the Riparian 

A word of advice to people who plant boxes in parks.  They are busy places.  Most people who look for boxes are not 6 feet tall nor do we carry ladders with us. Like, how discrete would that be anyway.  If you are putting a box in a busy place that has lots of hidden away hiding places, take the time to consider planting away from the places that people sit around like picnic tables and grills.

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