Ah, what a beautiful day for boxing. Beautiful blue skies and a gentle breeze, what more could I ask for.
After a quick stop at TSC for dog food and chickHEN feed we drove over to the
Evergreen Cemetery in Verona. I so love boxing in cemetery's. I could spend forever
just wandering the grounds reading names and dates and marveling at the words that
people put on their loved ones stones a hundred years ago.
A shot of my messie log book. When ever I would box with Kati and James they would always have such nice neat pages and I would always have ink spots. Today was no different. Left a HitchHiker I've been carrying around for months because I kept forgetting to leave it somewhere. I figured this was as good a place as any. Now I hope someone finds it soon so it can get back to traveling.
I thought that this hitch-hiker was unique in its construction. A bottle cap from a bottle
of Guinness holds an intricately carved image of what is on the cap.
After a quick stop at home to get dear husband we headed out again.
This time to SUNY IT and their hiking trails.
Spencer J. Roemer Nature Trail is located near the soccer fields on the SUNY IT Campus.
Boxing with the men is always cause for laughter on my part. While looking for a flattish surface
to stamp in on they both (and at the same time) say - the garbage can. Now can you see any
flat surfaces there. I think not but it worked nevertheless and we finished up our stamping.
My happy boxing team.
Amanita flavoconia????
took this at evening time and it was a bit more yellow
but with all the trees around it was hard to get true color.
If anyone has any idea what variety this mushroom is, I appreciate the identification.
I love fall, The year is winding down, Shrubs and trees are dropping their fruits and nuts.
This nature trail was no exception with its beautiful colors of autumn.
Dogwood, buckthorn, rose hips and grapes dotted the pathways.
And so ends another happy boxing Sunday. Since I will be in Remsen next weekend for the
Barn FOTA I guess I won't be out boxing but maybe I'll have a chance to plant one instead.
My last one at the railroad station has turned up missing.
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