Friday, August 19, 2011

Stamping Ground

Today I finally made it to Stamping Ground and Buffalo Springs Park 
You see I was surprised to find that no one else has placed a stamp at such a notable place.  
We were not disappointed once we got there.  
This small city (and I do mean small) has taken great pride in their history.  

This is what currently guards the famed stamping ground

This is what it looking like inside.  Not to impressive but somehow awesome anyway. 

 Industry took over as the city grew.  Many of the relics still remain.  

The signs states - water not treated - do not drink. 

 I have no idea.  Perhaps the tannery factory?  Would appreciate any suggestions.

Just one of the mill stones - a larger one is part of the walkway.

 The playground and fitness circuit were up a very very steep hill. 

 A view from the top of part of the city. 

Pretty interesting. And yet - there was no where for me to place a letterbox.  At first glance I thought the wooded area between the road and the spring.  Until I found that there was way too much poison ivy.  Like so many parks in Kentucky this one was is very well maintained.  I knew I wouldn't be able to leave a box here so I had to search for a better place. 

To find out more about stamping ground :

It isn't hard to find the park at Stamping Ground.
 It is located on Route 1688 just south west of Route 227
 (the four corners in town)
Once there locate the sign that tells about the Buffalo and their stamping. 

(hint - the back is not the same as the front)



By figuring out the code using the sign you will know which cemetery the Maple Leaf is hiding in.

Once at the cemetery, walk past the sign and straight back as far as you can go.
There is a small cemetery stone.
To the left of the stone and not far is a very tall tree. At the base underneath stones, leaves and twigs is a lone Maple Leaf.

I hope you enjoyed the history of the place as much as we did.
For a little added help - see photos below. 

the stone

the spot
the tree

all three

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