Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Another Day in Boxing Heaven

I have been trying to visit Pixley Falls (north of Rome, NY) for years, 5 to be exact, but never seem to time it right.  too busy, too cold, rainy.. But today it fit right in to my schedule so I convince my driver to take me north.  He was all to happy to oblige.  Actually, I don't think he likes me roaming the woods alone.  I really don't know why but I welcome his presence any way and I can put him to work.

Today's box was located under this rock - really under.  In fact 
my driver missed it on the first time around the boulder.

Today, we learned the difference between a wooden bridge (it has handrails) 
and a wooden walk way.  This particular one went from three planks wide to two to one.

We were searching for - a "UFO" and an alien - as you can see from the photo.

And this is a bridge -

All in all it was a beautiful day.  With all the rain we have
had the streams were running fast.  We had hopes to make
it to the falls but threat of yet one more rain storm cut our
trip short.

The drive up to the falls was quite a pleasant one.  Even
though the leaves have all fallen and all that was left were the bronze leaves of the beech trees it was still a very nice day for
site seeing.  Made me wish I could have continued up the gorge and over to the Tug Hill Plateau. That will just have to wait for another day.

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