Friday, August 5, 2011

Moose River Plains

I have always had an interest in this place called "the Moose River Plains".  We have camped their, attended the Black Fly Challenge held in June, driven there dodging rocks and holes more times than I can imagine.  It was only fitting that I would plant one of my first Letter Boxes there.  I was a "crude stamp to be sure. 

When I first planted this box, there was a ranger's station and TWO Outhouses.  Now,  the ranger's house is gone and there is a large board you can sign in on. 

 The balsam trees have grown up all around my hiding place under the roots 
that engulfed the erratic  left behind by glaciers

And here is a closer look with the box located under the left hand root. 
I hope you take the chance to visit the plains.  Bring plenty of bug spray - I make a terrific one -
 and watch out for the rocks.

August 27 - McConnellsville, New York

My Boxing Buddies - Tyler, Uncle James and GramBe

The cooler in the trunk makes a perfect place to stamp in when we are doing drive by type sleuthing.

Cemetery in McConnellsville.  I love the look of old cedar trees.

We then ventured to the Harden Furniture Company and found this memorial.

Beautiful little waterfall right beside the memorial.

 I had hopes of doing a lot of boxing while Tyler was visiting.
It was not to be.

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