Friday - ahh a day off from work and a time to take number 3 son to Buffalo so he can get new glasses. I, of course, thought only of being able to go letterboxing. Since I keep all my "stuff" packed and ready all I needed was the clues. An easy feat. We took advantage of the early season to visit Beaver Island State Park on Grand Island - no fee yet.
Boxing always get a trip to the "outhouse" first and today was no exception.
I held my breath hoping it would be open.
The clues to our first box I found enjoyable however the other half of the search team
just couldn't get it. He didn't get the smelly part which of course refer to all the chives
or wild onions growing around the path.
All the boxes here were under the name of DISC-WORLD. This park has an amazing disc golf course. We had several series to chose from so picked ours and set out. As you can see from the above photo this hiding place was a bit of a challenge. After making our way through the blackberry bushes we found that the big branch on the left had fallen in such a way as to wedge the box deeper into the tree.
It was tough but we finally succeeded.
See what I mean.
On to our next clue - on the nature trail.
This was a six box series that was planted quite awhile ago. The trees were old and falling apart. We found three of the six which wasn't to bad. There were beautifully carved stamps.
Our time at the park was rewarded with some nice bird sightings.
We saw a red headed woodpecker and a hairy woodpecker
on the nature trail. The other half of the team
thought the red headed sounded like a purring cat. To each his own.
My children always called red winged blackbirds - trick or treat birds.
Must run in the family.